Placenta Magic


Placentas are incredible, wise and fascinating organs grown only by women when they grow a baby. The two are more than linked; the two arteries and one vein that connect the placenta and mother to the growing baby, transport oxygen, nutrition, hormones and helpful (and sometimes harmful) environmental elements to and fro, including feeling and thoughts. I offer:

  • Placenta Encapsulation

  • Placenta Art and Rituals for honouring the Spirit Role and Beauty of the Placenta

Once purchased, you will receive an email with links to schedule a time for your session.

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Placentas are incredible, wise and fascinating organs grown only by women when they grow a baby. The two are more than linked; the two arteries and one vein that connect the placenta and mother to the growing baby, transport oxygen, nutrition, hormones and helpful (and sometimes harmful) environmental elements to and fro, including feeling and thoughts. I offer:

  • Placenta Encapsulation

  • Placenta Art and Rituals for honouring the Spirit Role and Beauty of the Placenta

Once purchased, you will receive an email with links to schedule a time for your session.

Placentas are incredible, wise and fascinating organs grown only by women when they grow a baby. The two are more than linked; the two arteries and one vein that connect the placenta and mother to the growing baby, transport oxygen, nutrition, hormones and helpful (and sometimes harmful) environmental elements to and fro, including feeling and thoughts. I offer:

  • Placenta Encapsulation

  • Placenta Art and Rituals for honouring the Spirit Role and Beauty of the Placenta

Once purchased, you will receive an email with links to schedule a time for your session.

I have studied with a passion many placentas and each time I witness one I grow more and more humbled by the mystery and capacity of their workings. Hidden from our view, this miracle worker, this pump house of life power, feeds first a baby and then feeds its mother. Even a desperately deprived mother will often grow a substantial placenta—nature’s way of caring for the next generation. 

Through this love I have come to know several practices for honouring the magic and wisdom of the placenta and its role through the pregnancy and birth time. It is my understanding, through the teachings of Australian Aboriginal Elder MinMia, that burying the placenta allows the blueprint of the babies soul, carried within the placenta to be ignited by the energies of Mother Earth and unlock the the soul’s purpose for their life.

Through my experience with working with mothers and their placentas I have witnessed mothers who consumed their placenta bled less, recovered sooner and had fewer mood swings in the early weeks of mothering. I am in support of the placenta as a medicine for the smart, modern birthing mother who does not want to miss out on the expanding repertoire of benefits of placental medicine.

Clearly, to me, there is intelligence at work that is as old as human birth and whose function is on a level unseen by the eye.