A Woman’s Wellspring

Working with women who are ready to claim their sovereignty and own their instinctive power through all stages of their life. Whether that is through the transformative Rites of Passage that are birth, menarche or menopause, through their ongoing relationship with their cycle or finding deeper understanding and autonomy in all aspects and relationships of their life.

Supporting women that are ready to take radical responsibility for their life, their choices and claim their sovereign birth rite to live in power.

Working with women like you!


Laura Howard

Ever since I can remember I have been someone questioning why we do things the way we do.

This curiosity took me down many paths.

I travelled around the world for many years with interest in learning about the many different cultures and traditions of the world. I was in love with having my eyes widen by the way different cultures engaged with life, themselves and with each other.

I birthed my daughter while living in Peru. It was this experience that awoke me to what I could only relate to as an innate power within. I knew that if this power was within me, then it must also be so for all women.

Since then I have been dedicated to the unraveling of self, the journey to becoming the hollow bone. I understand this concept as a life path for self, and also the path for those who hold space for the awakening and transformation of others. One that I am deeply committed to.

I have come to discover and believe that birth, sex, menstrual awareness and health (what is also known as the blood mysteries) and trauma to be powerful portals to reclaiming one’s individual wholeness and establishing a healthy power within.

I am aware of a cultural narrative/societal norm that believes that being uncomfortable means that something is wrong. However, through the experiences I have had I have developed a healthy relationship to being at the edge of my comfort zone. One that recognises this feeling to mean ‘I’m at the edge of great transformation’ and I believe it to be an invitation into authentic self-discovery, healing and power.

I believe that nothing in life is an accident, and that everything brought to us is the perfect invitation for us to wake up, and to stand in true autonomous power. There are many pieces of one’s puzzle that need to be discovered, understood and embraced along the journey to wholeness. I am here to share the composted wisdom of my life experiences and teachings to inspire and support others through their own transformational journeys. I recognise the courage it takes to walk this path, and I also know this may be the most powerful and transformative journey you’ll ever take.