What People Are Saying


“Laura truly is a multi-dimensional midwife, fully embodying the teachings of Self-Mastery. The genuine sincerity of her heart, the purity of her essence, the grounded integrated passion of these sacred ways is inspiring. Laura’s gentle strength creates a pristine field for women to feel safe to drop into their vulnerability and reconnect to the power of their ancient body wisdom.”

— Patricia Miller

“The Women’s Self-Mastery Retreat was beyond my wildest dreams. Every detail was considered, with such beauty and integrity.​​ The space felt so supportive and nurturing for body, mind and spirit. Every process lead perfectly into the next with such ease and grace, creating a beautiful opening and rawness in every woman. Laura you truly are a multi-dimensional midwife, midwifing us all through our inner terrains, back to our loving selves.”

— Georgie Swift

“I can say with all of my heart this has been the best week of my life ! Laura created such a nurturing, safe and loving space - helping me face fears and helping me connect with my true nature. I thought I knew what love and gratitude felt like before but I did not. And I do now !”

— Esther Castell

Photo Features: Nila Chandra


“This work brings me home to the best and most beautiful version of myself, the man that I am proud of and the man I love to be. Doing this work with Laura adds a layer of Feminine holding and strength that deepens my experience and profound respect for the Feminine.”

— Cian O’Brien (Men and Women Self Mastery Retreat)

“Laura is an exceptional facilitator, holding space for the beauty to unfold. The course was put together with every last detail considered. I feel deeply grateful to have had this experience and have transformed physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

— Karen Day