Birth Trauma Debrief Healing

from A$90.00

Sharing our stories has wisdom and power.

Story sharing is an ancient practice that holds powerful healing qualities. To be witnessed, heard and held without judgement as you share your story allows your story to have a place and be valid and received.

Your birth story has a powerful imprint on your life, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It is an important and vital part of the healing journey to share your story with someone safe, who knows how to hold you and to listen.

Initial Session / 90mins / $130

Subsequent Session / 60mins / $90

Once purchased, you will receive an email with links to schedule a time for your session.

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Sharing our stories has wisdom and power.

Story sharing is an ancient practice that holds powerful healing qualities. To be witnessed, heard and held without judgement as you share your story allows your story to have a place and be valid and received.

Your birth story has a powerful imprint on your life, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It is an important and vital part of the healing journey to share your story with someone safe, who knows how to hold you and to listen.

Initial Session / 90mins / $130

Subsequent Session / 60mins / $90

Once purchased, you will receive an email with links to schedule a time for your session.

Sharing our stories has wisdom and power.

Story sharing is an ancient practice that holds powerful healing qualities. To be witnessed, heard and held without judgement as you share your story allows your story to have a place and be valid and received.

Your birth story has a powerful imprint on your life, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It is an important and vital part of the healing journey to share your story with someone safe, who knows how to hold you and to listen.

Initial Session / 90mins / $130

Subsequent Session / 60mins / $90

Once purchased, you will receive an email with links to schedule a time for your session.

Birth Story Debrief and Transformation

Sharing our stories has wisdom and power. Story sharing is an ancient practice that holds powerful healing qualities. To be witnessed, heard and held without judgement as you share your story allows your story to have a place and be valid and received. 

Your birth story has a powerful imprint on your life, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It is an important and vital part of the healing journey to share your story with someone safe, who knows how to hold you and to listen.  

If you are feeling confused, alone, distressed, disappointed, grief, loss, hurt, unsatisfied or even anger about your birth then this is a space for you. 

There is a common cultural narrative that if you have a live baby then that is all that matters. I believe it is possible to have a happy and healthy baby and still feel all or any of these things about your birth. Women are often shamed or silenced if they are anything but grateful or happy about their birth and the beginning of their motherhood journey. I believe it is much more complex than this. And sharing your story is the beginning of the process of unpacking, healing and claiming your birth as a powerful gift in your life. 

I am here to hold, hear, listen and validate your story. After the initial hormones subside and the days and weeks pass more questions and confusion may arise. It can be of great benefit to have someone to share, reveal, question and explore your feelings, emotions and experience with. Someone who is neutral, loving and supportive. 

In any further sessions after the sharing of your story we will use the Self-Mastery tools to help you take radical responsibility for your life, and to mine the gold from your experience. 

Often, from our deepest traumas birth our greatest power. I am here to help shine the light on the journey of that discovery.